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SSC MTS Syllabus


About SSC MTS Exam:

SSC MTS Exam is Staff Selection Commission Multi Tasking Staff Exam. SSC is an organisation under Government of India to recruit staff for various posts in the various Ministries and Departments of the Government of India and in Subordinate Offices. SSC also conduct exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC JE, Hindi Translator, SSC GD Constable, SSC Multitasking, Scientific Assistant Post, Selection Post, Central Police Organization and Stenographer.

Salary Info:

SSC MTS salary is calculated as Gross Salary and In-Hand Salary. Multi Tasking Staff is a general central service Group ‘C’ non-gazetted, non-ministerial post which falls under Payband-1 (Rs.5200 – 20200) + Grade Pay Rs.1800. The take-home salary of MTS ranges between Rs.18,000 – 22,000 /month (approx). The salary could vary based on location, allowances, etc.


On preparation towards the SSC MTS exams, it is important to learn or analyse the strategy in the smartest way to clear the exam easily. Before that, Lets look into the Exam stages to clear the SSC MTS. It has two stages of test i.e

1. Tier I (Preliminary)
2. Tier II(Mains).

Tier I Syllabus:

Preliminary Exam SSC MTS syllabus consist of 4 sections including General Intelligence & Reasoning, Numerical Aptitude, General English and General Awareness.

Marks details for each section:

1. General Intelligence & Reasoning - 25 Marks
2. Numerical Aptitude - 25 Marks
3. General English - 25 Marks
4. General Awareness - 25 Marks.

Section Wise Syllabus:

General English:

  1. Fill in the blanks - 2
  2. Sentence correction, Spelling correction, Parajumble, Cloze test - 6
  3. Idioms and phrases - 2
  4. Synonym and antonym - 6
  5. One word substitution - 2
  6. Phrase replacement or sentence correction - 2
  7. Error spotting - 2

Numerical Aptitude:

  1. Number Systems - 2 to 3
  2. Trigonometry - 1
  3. Mixture and Allegation - 1
  4. Simplification - 1 to 3
  5. Algebra - 2
  6. Percentages - 1 to 2
  7. Ratio and Proportion - 1 to 2
  8. Averages - 1 to 2
  9. Simple and Compound Interest - 3 to 4
  10. Profit and Loss - 4 to 6
  11. Problems on ages - 1
  12. Use of Tables and Graphs or Data interpretation - 2 or 3
  13. Mensuration - 3 to 4
  14. Time and Distance - 2 to 4
  15. Time and Work - 1 to 4
  16. Speed time and Distance - 1 to 3

General Intelligence & reasoning:

  1. Classification - 3 to 4
  2. Analogy - 3 to 4
  3. Coding and Decoding - 1 to 2
  4. Word Formation (Matrix) - 1 to 3
  5. Arranging the words in Dictionary order - 1 to 2
  6. Syllogism - 1 to 2
  7. Direction and Distance - 1
  8. Blood relation - 1
  9. Missing number - 1
  10. Puzzle - 1
  11. Alpha numeric series - 2 to 4
  12. Non verbal reasoning - 1
  13. Verbal reasoning - 2

General Awareness:

  1. Indian History - 3 to 4
  2. Geography (Indian and World) - 1 to 4
  3. Economy - 2 to 3
  4. Polity - 2 to 3
  5. Biology - 3 to 4
  6. Chemistry - 1 to 2
  7. Physics, Inventions and Discoveries - 2 to 4
  8. Current Affairs - 3 to 4
  9. Miscellaneous (Static GK) - 2 to 4
  10. Date, portfolios and Scheme - 2 to 3

Tier II Syllabus:

It is a descriptive paper about short essay/ letter in English or any language include with 8th schedule of constitution.

Keep working hard to achieve your goal. I hope success will reach you soon. Keep learning and practicing the math. Bank exam learns will find the SSC MTS exam as very. So I recommend to practice bank exam question papers for quants and reasoning. If you have any queries, please contact us or comment below. Thank you.

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